Friday, January 8, 2010

2010 Fitness Resolutions

Happy New Year to all my readers!

I am sure most of you have made new years resolutions to get in the gym more and eat better. I know, I make this resolution every year. It's hard to keep up with resolutions because some of them are to hard to reach for even the best athletes. That is why you should have goals instead of resolutions when it comes to your eating and work out habits. One small step at a time!

First of all, I must say cutting calories, alone, will not keep the weight off for good. You must incorporate some type of exercise in your diet regimen. You will not keep the weight off if you do not do this! Personally, I swear by the handy dandy treadmill. You don't have to start of by running-try walking, then run-walk, then run! This has helped me keep my weight off and stay around the lower end of my BMI.

Here are few inexpensive treadmills that have great ratings:

Golds Gym 450:

The Golds Gym 450 is not recommended for running because it is not very sturdy, but can be used for walking. It can be folded up and has an incline. It's a steal for $400!

Sole F80:

If you are looking for a good, all-around treadmill the Sole F80 is sold for around $1,500. It's surdy enough for running and has a 15% incline. It also folds up!

Landice L7 Cardio Trainer

This little piece of equipment is extremely heavy duty. If you are serious runner and consider your running something you need to do everyday, the Landice L7 Cardio Trainer is the guy for you. It's very sturdy and powerful. The average price for this treadmill is a steap $3, 775.

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