Monday, January 11, 2010

The Importance of Water

"Water, Water, Water!" You hear it all of the time and I'm probably one of the people who you will hear it from. I tire from people telling me to do things I really don't want to do but HAVE to do. I'm telling you, Water is something you HAVE to do. Especially, if you want to see results in weight loss. I guarantee you (or money back!) that water is the key to losing weight & keeping it off. If you aren't serious about losing weight, then, go ahead, skip the water. BUT if you ARE serious about weight loss and feeling good DRINK WATER!

First, I'll tell you how it makes me feel and what it has done for me.

I hate water. It looks boring and tastes boring. There is nothing exciting about it. In fact, I'm dreading putting the water bottle on my desk up to my lips. I started drinking water when I was really persistent about my weight loss. I had read so many things about the positive things it can do for you and so...I took up my bottle, filled it up, sighed, and chugged that baby. I haven't stopped since.

The first things I noticed were 1) I lost 5 pounds in one week, 2) I was not hungry as often, 3) my hair looked shinnier, 4) I got tons of compliments on my skin, and 5) I was regular in the bathroom (and I'm not just talking about peeing). All of those things made me feel so good about myself! I couldn't believe just drinking water could do all of those things for me...

I currently drink about 100 ounces of water a day. I'm talking pure water, not soda or sports drinks, pure water. I still drink soda and sports drinks every once in while, but I make sure I keep drinking that 100 ounces of water a day. It took a while to get accustomed to drinking so much water because it is so bland and boring, but the possitive aspects of the stuff way outways the negatives.

Now, your turn! Tell me water has done for you!

1 comment:

  1. I make myself drink a bunch of water--you're right, it really does all kinds of good things for your body to stay hydrated. But I have to admit, sometimes it's a pain to try to drink enough!
